Beni Culturali Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico per il Polo Museale della città di Roma


Girolamo Campagna, Venere marina - Sea Venus
Object belonging
One's own
Bronze sculpture
Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Specific location
Room 17
PV 10789
Material and technique
Bronze, natural dark brown patina, opaque black lacquer
attributed to Girolamo Campagna (1549-1617/1625)
53 x 14 x 12 cm.
Auriti Collection (1963)
Image copyright
SSPSAE e per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

Short description

A version of this Venus is held in the Untermyer Collection at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The initials “IC” are engraved on the edge of the base, the letters separated by tiny decorative circles, which for a long period were thought to be the signature of Girolamo Campagna. Both the sculptures, however, seem to derive from the Medici Venus. The left arm is placed in a different position though, no longer a chaste gesture, as is the leg, resting on the dolphin. There is some doubt though over how Campagna came to know the Uffizi marble, which until 1677 was in the Villa Medici in Rome. The many versions of the Venus Marina in museums and collections all vary in the manner in which the dolphin is rendered. It is always fused on its own and added to the base in different places, with its tail modelled in different ways.

Pietro Cannata


A. Santangelo, Museo di Palazzo Venezia. La Collezione Auriti, Rome 1964, p.20; A. Bacchi, La bellissima maniera: Alessandro Vittoria e la scultura veneta del Cinquecento, exh. cat., Trento 1999, p. 410, no. 92.

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Polo Museale del Lazio
Piazza San Marco, 49
00186 Roma, Italia
tel. 39 06699941

Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Piazza Venezia, 3
Ingresso agli Uffici:
Via del Plebiscito, 13 
Ingresso al Museo:
00186 Roma, Italia
tel. +39-06-69994284 




Copyright 2005 Ministero per I beni e le attività culturali e del turismo

Page created 2009-01-15, last modify 2010-11-15