Beni Culturali Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

St. Anastasia Dying

Sant'Anastasia morente - St. Anastasia dying
Object belonging
One's own
Terracotta sculpture
Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Specific location
Room 21
PV 13308
Material and technique
Francesco Aprile known as Francesco Lombardo (c. 1654 -1684)
15.4x40.5x16.8 cm.
Gorga Collection (1948)
Image copyright
SSPSAE e per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

Short description

The restoration and renovation of the church of Sant’Anastasia at the foot of the Palatine Hill began in 1677, and on 4 February the following year some relics were found of the young martyr, who was burnt alive during the reign of Diocletian. It was probably the idea of Monsignor Giovanni Battista Febei to erect a statue of the saint, lying down with her head resting on a pile of wood, near the confessional. Francesco Aprile, a young and talented artist who collaborated with Ercole Ferrata, was given the commission, but the project remained unfinished when he died prematurely on 23 December 1684. The saint is lying on a small patch of land and flames rise from the stack of wood that serves as a pillow. A dense sequence of folds runs over the mantle that covers the limbs, while the edges of the clothes, like the sporadic patches of vegetation, are described with the utmost precision, a feature that casts doubt on the attribution to Aprile, and leaves open the possibility that it might be a copy after the artist. Conversely, though, the exact reproduction here of the back of the sculpture, which cannot be seen in situ due to the positioning of the sculpture under the main altar, would seem to rule out this possibility.

Cristiano Giometti 


Guida Generale alle Mostre Retrospettive di Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome 1911, p. 234; A. Marchionne Gunter, Scultori a Roma tra Seicento e Settecento: Francesco Cavallini, Francesco Aprile e Andrea Fucigna, in "Storia dell'Arte", 91 (1997), pp. 325-326, 348-349 n. 128; P. Cannata, in M. Natali and F. Petrucci (eds.), Donne di Roma, dall'Impero romano al 1860. Ritrattistica romana al femminile, exh. cat., Rome 2003, pp. 78-80
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Page created 2009-01-15, last modify 2010-11-15