Beni Culturali Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

The Last Supper

Ultima cena - The Last Supper
Object belonging
One's own
Wood sculpture
Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Specific location
PV 07588
Material and technique
Sculpted and carved wood, paint and gilding
Southern German School
Mid-17th century
75 x 116 x 14 cm.
Tower-Wurts Collection (1933)
Image copyright
SSPSAE e per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

Short description

This work depicts the Last Supper with Christ and his Apostles, including Judas, who is seated on the opposite side to Jesus, with his back to the viewer and his face in profile; he is hiding the purse with the thirty pieces of silver and holds a knife in his right hand, dangerously aimed at Christ. The subject, given its importance in the celebration of the Eucharist, is often part of the decoration of altarpieces, or the central piece of triptychs, such as that by Michele Parth made in 1551 for the church of San Lorenzo in Sauris di Sopra in Friuli. The present work is a carved relief on five panels of tilia wood (species of wood identified by IVALSA-CNR, Florence, 2009), vertically joined together, and originally rounded at the base to form an oval shape. The corners, where the paint has not adhered well, were added later, probably so as to adapt the relief to a different setting; the date of these additions are unknown, though they are old, since radiographic analysis has shown (Laboratorio Mida, Rome) that the work was put together with nails made by hand, next to which it is possible to see others that are longer and more modern, which have been added to strengthen the work. It was restored quite recently, but reveals losses of colour, particularly in flesh areas, and structural damage (including the loss of the apostle’s hand on the far left and one of the knives on the table). The relief was not studied by Hermanin and Santangelo, but displays a certain quality in the carving and succeeds in rendering the episode with drama and emotion, using the gestures and expressions of the characters, including one who is weeping, wiping his eyes with a handkerchief. The work is consonant with artistic production in mid-17th century Germany, between southern Germany and Tyrol.

Grazia Maria Fachechi 


G.M. Fachechi, in Tesori invisibili dai più grandi musei italiani, exh. cat. (Rome, Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo, 1 May - 26 July 2009), ed. L. Della Volpe, Rome 2009, p. 85.

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Page created 15/01/2009, last modify 15/11/2010