Beni Culturali Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

Ink-pot with Kneeling Monk

Calamaio con San Francesco d'Assisi - Ink-pot with St. Francis of Assisi
Object belonging
One's own
Bronze sculpture
Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Specific location
Room 16
PV 09265
Material and technique
Bronze, patina, lacquer
Paduan School
c. 1500-1550
14.5 x 17.6 x 11.6 cm.
Barsanti Collection (1934)
Image copyright
SSPSAE e per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

Short description

Previous studies have attributed this inkwell to a Paduan workshop of the late 15th century, but it should be dated to the first half of the 16th century. It depicts a kneeling monk looking skyward, understood to represent St. Francis “receiving the stigmata”. The trapezoidal base is decorated with tendrils and is supported by three masks, a frequent feature of Paduan bronzes, as seen in other inkwells in the museum, such as Atlas with the Globe, Marcus Aurelius with a Cornucopia, and Kneeling Satyr with a Horn. Evidence of an old restoration can be seen in one of the masks.

Pietro Cannata


L. Pollak, Raccolta Alfredo Barsanti (Trecento-Settecento), Bergamo 1922, no. 38, p. 55; A. Santangelo, Museo di Palazzo Venezia. Catalogo delle sculture, Rome 1954, p. 27; P. Cannata, in M. De Vincenti - E. Gastaldi (eds.), Donatello e il suo tempo: il bronzetti a Padova nel Quattrocento e nel Cinquecento, exh. cat., Milan 2001, pp. 78-79.

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Polo Museale del Lazio
Piazza San Marco, 49
00186 Roma, Italia
tel. 39 06699941

Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Piazza Venezia, 3
Ingresso agli Uffici:
Via del Plebiscito, 13 
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00186 Roma, Italia
tel. +39-06-69994284 




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Page created 15/01/2009, last modify 15/11/2010